Meet the Teacher
EEA’s Perlman Collaboration Program Coordinator & Private Music Instructor
Jeannie Woelker has been working at East End Arts since 2002 teaching violin, viola, and cello to children and adults. As a certified Suzuki instructor, Ms. Woelker uses both the Suzuki and traditional methods of teaching. In 2014, she performed with and directed the East End Arts’ Cello Ensemble at Strong’sMarina; East End Arts’ Gala at the Hyatt; and the Annual Community MosaicFestival in Riverhead. In 2015, she directed the East End Arts’ ChamberEnsemble with performances at Riverhead United Methodist Church. And in2016 she performed with one of her advanced students for patients at Peconic Bay Medical Center paving the way for Music by the Bedside.
Ms. Woelker has been the Program Coordinator for the East End Arts/Perlman Music Program collaboration since 2014 overseeing all phases of the project. As liaison, she communicates with all contacts: parents, students, and the Perlman Music Program. After submitting several pieces, Mr. Perlman approves one piece for our EEA orchestra to rehearse. Ms. Woelker arranges the music for both the EEA orchestra and an advanced version for the Perlman orchestra and then conducts all rehearsals prior to the final “open rehearsal” where Mr. Perlman directs both orchestras for a performance open to the public. We look forward to continuing this wonderful program in 2021.
Jeannie offers lessons both in-person and virtually. She will be teaching virtually until April and then back to teaching on the back porch of the EEA school once the weather warms up. Lately, she has been practicing with Nicholas Orifici for a virtual concert at the EEA school.
To sign up to take private music lessons with Jeannie Woelker, please contact the East End Arts’ School Registrar at 631.369.2171 or email education@eastendarts.org
East End Arts | 133 E Main Street, Riverhead, NY 11901 | 631.727.0900
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