
Auditions for The Wizard of Oz


Audition Dates:

March 4th & 5th

Youth ages 8-15 at 5:30 PM

Adults ages 16+ at 7:00 PM

Location: Mattituck Presbyterian Church

(Corner of Love Lane and Rt 25 in Mattituck)



Tuesday November 6, Youth 5:30, Adults 7:00 PM

Location: Church of the Redeemer

(13225 Old Sound Avenue, Mattituck)


Auditions for the musical “The Wizard of Oz” will be held on Tuesday March 4th and Wednesday March 5th at the Mattituck Presbyterian Church at the intersection of Old Sound Avenue, Love Lane, and Rt. 25. Auditions for youth ages 8 through 15 will be at 5:30PM. Auditions for ages 16 through adults will be held at 7PM. Auditions will include both Vocal and Dance/Movement Auditions.

Vocal Auditions: Please bring sheet music for a Broadway Style song to sing for no longer than 3 minutes; an accompanist will be provided. Please make sure your sheet music is in the correct key for you. For young auditioners, we recommend singing “Over the Rainbow” for which you will not need to bring sheet music. Please direct questions about audition music to the Music Director, Dina Mondello at dinamondellomusic@gmail.com.

Dance/Movement Auditions: Wear comfortable clothing for movement and/or dance auditions.

Callbacks: will be held on Thursday March 6th at The Church of the Redeemer at 13225 Old Sound Avenue in Mattituck.

In person auditions are preferred but if you are unable to attend in person, an exception may be made by the director to allow a video audition.

For more information, please contact the Director, Mary Motto Kalich at 917-334-6639 or marymotto@yahoo.com.

Show dates May 15 – June 1st (Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30PM and Sunday matinees at 2:30PM).

NFCT is devoted to fairness, diversity and involvement. We encourage performers of all races, ethnicities, gender identities, and abilities to attend every audition.


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North Fork Community Theatre | www.nfct.com



AAQ / Resource: Townsend Manor Inn 

Old Fashioned Hospitality


AAQ / Resource: Kolb | Heating + Cooling 

North Fork | Shelter Island | South Fork


AAQ / Resource: Riverhead GMC
