Wednesday, August 7

National Lighthouse Day — Updates from NLMS

Photo, above, from left: July’s full moon, with Ledge Light, Harbor Light, & the Big Dipper, above.

Thank you, Manuel Lizarralde.


NLMS celebrates National Lighthouse Day every August 7, although the day is not officially a national holiday. Still, it is the prefect opportunity to bring everyone up-to-date with what’s going on at our three+ lighthouses. 


Race Rock, c. 1950

Race Rock: Loring Masonry has begun preservation work to re-point foundation blocks at RR; a big question looms: do we need to construct a landing platform? We also will be cleaning inside the lighthouse. Funded by the Ludwick Family Foundation, NLMS Race Rock Fund, and a private donor. 


Ledge Light, 1911

Ledge Light: Restoration work is about to get under way here, overseen by the Ledge Light Foundation (LLF) & NLMS. Due to safety and insurance concerns here will be no tours inside Ledge until later this summer. Funded by grants secured by the LLF from the CT Port Authority and the state of Connecticut.  


Harbor Light: Next up? We soon will install a gate and signage at the lighthouse entrance, thanks to a generous donation from Louise Novitch. Tours are available to climb Harbor Light year-round!  


Lynde Point: With local Saybrook-area community and conservation groups, we applied for stewardship of this light in October, 2023. All are awaiting the decision by the National Park Service. 


Donations to the NLMS Lighthouse Fund are gratefully accepted.

Designate ‘Lighthouse Fund’ & the beacon you wish to support.

NLMS Lighthouse Fund


Saturdays, Sundays, & by appointment year-round

a popular destination for more than a century.

Visit Inside NL Harbor Pequot Light

Long Island Sound’s oldest and tallest lighthouse.

Climb 116 steps up into the lighthouse lantern. We offer tours every Saturday & Sunday at noon. The views are spectacular!​ Tours for up-to five people take approximately 40 minutes. To book a tour at other times, send us an email.

Thanks to our friends at Veolia-NL Water Authority and at the Chelsea Groton Foundation, New London residents may visit inside New London Harbor Lighthouse with a $5 ticket! Don’t miss this opportunity. Sign up today!

Photo, above: Elizabeth Price.

Visit Harbor Light!


Sign up for LAFAYETTE!

Please sign up now because we have to order the wine,

and other special items for the event!





AAQ / Resource: Townsend Manor Inn


AAQ / Resource: Townsend Manor Inn

Old Fashioned Hospitality


AAQ / Resource: Riverhead Toyota
