National Public Gardens Day Tour
Friday, May 13, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Bridge Gardens, 36 Mitchell Lane, Bridgehampton
Go Public Gardens! It’s a national event to recognize the importance of public gardens, and what better way to celebrate than a guided walk. Join Garden Director Rick Bogusch to learn about the many native and non-native plants that fill the landscape. From the herb garden to the rose garden to the expansive edible landscape, there’s much to see and learn about at Bridge Gardens!
$10/person, free to Bridge Gardens members. Space is limited, reservations required. Rain cancels.
To register, email Events@PeconicLandTrust. org or call 631.283.3195 ext.122.
Please leave your name and a call back number.

……. from the April 20, 2022 edition of

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Araiys Design Landscape Architects