Bridge Gardens Vegetable of the Month: Artichoke
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This Mediterranean native is perennial from Zone 7 on south. Growing best in areas with cool summers and mild winters, it should be mulched in winter along the northern edge of its range. Artichokes are attractive, stately, sizeable plants, growing 2-3 feet tall and wide. Leaves are arching, deeply lobed and silvery green. If allowed to bloom, tall stalks of large, neon-purple, thistle-like flowers appear in late summer.
The artichokes we eat are the unopened flower buds of these impressive flowers. They have been enjoyed for centuries from the ancient Greeks through today. Botanists believe artichokes are the domesticated variety of the wild species, also known as cardoon (C. cardunculus). The Greeks, Romans, Moors and many who followed, worked to improve the wild species and increase the size of buds and their number.
Artichokes grow best in moist, fertile, very well-drained soils. The biggest and best artichokes grow where they are perennial, but in climates like ours, where overwintering is unlikely, artichokes can be grown as an annual. To grow artichokes from seed, choose annual varieties like Imperial Star or Tavor and start them now, this month, 8-10 weeks before transplanting outdoors in early May.
To learn more tips and tricks about gardening make sure to follow our Instagram page@Bridge.Gardens.
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Peconic Land Trust | 631.283.3195 |
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Visit: AAQ / Portfolio — The Pageantry of Flowers — April > July
Portfolio — The Pageantry of Flowers — Aug > Sept

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