Long Island Natural History Conference
Friday, March 21, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Stony Brook University
The Peconic Land Trust is a co-sponsor of the largest regional forum on Long Island’s natural environment. Perfect for anyone interested in the sciences, this symposium brings together Long Island’s leading naturalists to exchange current information, identify research and management needs, and encourage collaborations and a greater region-wide interest in Long Island’s natural history.
For more programming information and to reserve, visit seatuck.org
Plan Ahead – Reserve Your Spot Today! |
April 12- Spring Ephemerals -Early Color in the Garden
April 26- Earth Day Beach Clean Up
April 26- Earth Day Celebration
April 26- Getting the Vegetable Garden Started
You make our work possible. Thank you!
Peconic Land Trust | 631.283.3195 | Info@PeconicLandTrust.org
Peconic Land Trust conserves Long Island’s working farms, natural lands, and heritage for our communities now and in the future. To learn more, visit us online at www.PeconicLandTrust.org.
The Peconic Land Trust is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The majority of our support comes from our donors! We do not receive the 2% real estate transfer tax. Click here to learn more.
Financial Disclosure Statement: A copy of the last financial report filed with the New York State Attorney General may be obtained in writing to: New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau, Attn: FOIL Officer, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005 or Peconic Land Trust.
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For more PLT March Connections, visit www.peconiclandtrust.org

Visit: AAQ / Portfolio — The Pageantry of Flowers — April > July
Portfolio — The Pageantry of Flowers — Aug > Sept

Visit website.

