Please join us a heartfelt gathering to send positive and healing energy to our forest, inspired by the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. Together, we will use the power of words, intention, and community to strengthen and protect the trees as they face the challenge of a southern pine beetle infestation. Through spoken or silent affirmations, meditative silence, and shared hope, we aim to honor the interconnectedness of all living things and nurture the forest back to health.
This program celebrates the belief that words hold energy, and that our collective goodwill
can contribute to the forest’s resilience and recovery.
Participants are encouraged to bring their favorite healing phrases, affirmations. and singing bowls are also welcome. Please bring a small empty vessel/container for water. We will begin the gathering in the Nature Center followed by some time outside, so please dress for the weather.
Warm beverages will be offered, please bring a reusable cup or mug to enjoy.
This is a free program, donations are welcome.