Writer-Director Jake Paltrow will join SHC for a Q&A following

the screening on Thursday, August 1st at 6PM


Writer-director Jake Paltrow (Young Ones, The Good Night, De Palma) will join Sag Harbor Cinema for a screening of his newest film JUNE ZERO on Thursday, August 1st at 6pm. The film will be followed by a Q&A with Paltrow, moderated by SHC’s Artistic Director Giulia D’Agnolo Vallan. Based on true accounts, the film covers the 1961 execution of Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann through three distinct figures: Eichmann’s Jewish Moroccan prison guard, a precocious 13-year-old Libyan immigrant, and an Israeli police investigator and Holocaust survivor.


Inspired by his father Bruce Paltrow’s deep interest in World War II and Jewish history, Jake Paltrow co-wrote the script with Israeli filmmaker Tom Shoval (Youth, Shake Your Cares Away) after visiting Israel and interviewing living witnesses. “It was clear that to access some of those depths there was a cultural and historical layer I wouldn’t be able to penetrate on my own and I set out to find someone to write it with there,” says Paltrow. “I was very lucky to find Tom.”


Paltrow shot the film in Israel and Ukraine on Super 16mm. “I still feel very dedicated to shooting on film. I spent so much time when I was younger trying to learn how to get what I wanted in terms of exposing and processing film that now I feel it is an essential part of the way I like to work,” says Paltrow. “I find that with very little manipulation of the negative, film just kind of ‘hugs’ disparate things, brings them together, and helps the audience to stay immersed in the era you’re telling them this is taking place.”


June Zero is a 2024 theatrical release. Tickets for the screening and Q&A will be available at the Cinema box office or on the Cinema’s website, sagharborcinema.org.


JUNE ZERO, courtesy of Cohen Media Group.


Directed by Jake Paltrow

USA/Israel, 2022; 105 mins, in English, Hebrew, Arabic, and Spanish with English subtitles


The 1961 preparations for the execution of Adolf Eichmann, a principal architect of the Holocaust, are revisited in a gripping and surprising new vision from American filmmaker Jake Paltrow. Based on true accounts, June Zero is told from the unique perspectives of three distinct figures: Eichmann’s Jewish Moroccan prison guard, an Israeli police investigator who also happens to be a Holocaust survivor and a precocious and clever 13-year-old Libyan immigrant.

JUNE ZERO, courtesy of Cohen Media Group.

Entirely shot on 16mm film, Paltrow’s vividly textured work brings to life the varied experiences of these characters, emphasizing that the same historical events are often perceived differently by people around the world. June Zero underscores the notion that shared traumas have the power to forge the strongest bonds and give rise to unexpected moments of triumph and connection. As the film delves into the complexities of the human experience during this pivotal trial, it serves as a poignant reminder that history’s impact can be both diverse and unifying.



Jake Paltrow was born in Los Angeles, California in 1975. His narrative fiction films are Young Ones and The Good Night. He co-directed the documentary De Palma with Noah Baumbach. He has directed several successful television shows including Boardwalk Empire and Halt and Catch Fire. He was nominated for an Emmy Award for The First Ones (a film commissioned by the New York Times Magazine). His films have screened at Sundance, Venice, New York, Karlovy Vary, and several other A-class international film festivals.


As a not-for-profit 501(c)3, community-based organization, Sag Harbor Cinema is dedicated to presenting the past, present and future of the Movies and to preserving and educating about films, filmmaking, and the film-going experience in its three state-of-the-art theaters. The Cinema engages its audiences and the community year-round through dialogue, discovery, and appreciation of the moving image – from blockbusters to student shorts and everything in between. Revitalized and reimagined through unprecedented community efforts to rebuild the iconic Main Street structure after a fire nearly destroyed it in 2016, SHC continues a long historic tradition of entertainment in the heart of Sag Harbor Village. SHC Members enjoy discounts on tickets and merchandise. 


AAQ / Resource: Christopher Jeffrey Architects 


AAQ / Resource: Westhampton Architectural Glass
