“Island Folk for Little Folk”
9:30am to 11:00am
Bring a blanket and enjoy children’s music by local musicians!
Vendors of the Week at
Havens Farmers’ Market

Located in Pawlet, Vermont, and reaching into Washington County, New York, the three-hundred acre farm was established in 1864 by a man named Consider Stebbins Bardwell. It was Vermont’s first dairy coop (“The Pawlet Cheese Company”) where small farmers in the area brought their milk. Consider made the cheese and they sold it as far as New York City.
A century and a half later, Angela Miller and Russell Glover are revitalizing the tradition with pasture-based raw milk from cows with the support of their neighbor farm partner, Indian River Farm
For more detail on the history of Consider Bardwell Farm and their current offerings, visit their website: www.considerbardwellfarm.com
Island Time Farm on Shelter Island grows specialty cut flowers and delicious vegetables! They do this by fostering healthy soil that grows healthy plants. They are a no-till, biological farm that uses regenerative practices. The farm is about 1 acre, with 2/5 of an acre growing crops. They grow over 30 varieties of gorgeous flowers, focusing on beautiful, high-quality blooms that last in the vase. They also specialize in tomatoes, heirloom beefsteaks and Sun Gold cherry, along with Shishito and hot peppers.
They believe their practices should improve, rather than sustain, the quality of the soil and the life around the farm.
Check out their website for more info: www.islandtimefarm.com
Havens Farmers’ Market runs rain or shine on the grounds
of The Shelter Island History Center every Saturday 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.
Admission is free. Donations to the Historical Society appreciated!
Shelter Island Historical Society
PO BOX 847
Shelter Island, NY 11964
