
SAC Summerfest: Annual Culinary Arts Festival w/ Champion of the Arts Award / August 17th

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By |2024-07-12T13:53:29+00:00July 12th, 2024|Bulletins, Capital Campaigns, East End, East End, East End Gallery Exhibitions, Events, Exhibits, Of Note, Performances|Comments Off on SAC Summerfest: Annual Culinary Arts Festival w/ Champion of the Arts Award / August 17th

SAC: Films — Waterproof / Wizard of Oz / Groundswell | Jazz Fest | Celebrity Autobiography ….

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By |2024-07-09T14:15:26+00:00July 9th, 2024|Bulletins, Courses, East End, East End, East End, East End Gallery Exhibitions, East End Museum Exhibitions, Events, Film, Of Note, Performances|Comments Off on SAC: Films — Waterproof / Wizard of Oz / Groundswell | Jazz Fest | Celebrity Autobiography ….