
Publisher / Managing Editor: Jeff Heatley

Email Address: jeff@aaqeastend.com


Quarterly Content:

Articles, Interviews, Profiles, Portfolio: Proposals welcome, but no unsolicited material accepted. Please submit proposals, with c.v., to editors@aaqeastend.com — ATTN: AAQ/East End’s Board of Editorial

Advisors will consider each proposal and, if interested, request an outline of planned article or portfolio album. If proposal is approved, final copy must be submitted in .doc format with any images sent separately as attachments in JPEG format. 


The Thought Market

Opinion Essays: Topics related to art, architecture & preservation, not restricted to the East End. Submissions welcome.

Reviews: Exhibits, architecture & books, not restricted to the East End. Submissions welcome.

Letters: Letters will be reviewed by the Board of Editorial Advisors and uploaded if deemed in the interests of AAQ/East End. This publication is under no obligation to publish letters it receives.

Inquires: info@aaqeastend.com 
