









Mrs. Ellen Hardin Walworth, Directress General of the National Women’s War Relief Association.




Asleep In The Rain







Sec. of War Alger 





Sighting of the Transport Gate City, first transport from Santiago de Cuba to arrive at Montauk, August 13, 1898.



America’s First Veterans of a War

Fought Overseas on Foreign Soil


Returned home to Montauk Point

from Santiago de Cuba

in August & September, 1898


The VFW traces its deepest organizational roots to Camp Wikoff,

celebrating its centennial in 1998.






Theodore Roosevelt & Woodbury Kane














































Camp Wikoff. 4,200 acre encampment. Original map — drawn in September, 1898 — is at the Montauk Point Lighthouse.



Saturday, September 3, 1898








” I bring the gratitude of the nation ,

to whose history you have added by your valor a new and glorious page.”

















 “You cannot imagine how proud I am

of your friendship and regard.”

— Colonel Theodore Roosevelt











February, 1899





Illustrations from…

BULLY! Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, The Rough Riders & Camp Wikoff,

Montauk, New York, 1898. A Newspaper Chronicle. Edited by Jeff Heatley.

Published by the Montauk Historical Society & Pushcart Press, 1998. Out of print. 


Please visit: 

Camp Wikoff, National Military Park Proposal

& the other Camp Wikoff portfolios on AAQ / East End.
