Southold Historical Society – Museum Complex
Maple Lane & Main Road, Southold, NY 11971
The property began life as the home of our founder, Ann Hallock Currie-Bell. Her home, which was left to the Society in 1964, was the first building the Society owned. From that small beginning, neighboring land to the east was acquired and other buildings were either purchased or donated and moved to the site. Today, eleven buildings arranged on the grounds of the Museum Complex are currently open to the public.
The Thomas Moore House – Constructed around 1750 by Samuel Landon, the house received its name because the site was once the location of a house built by Moore. The Moore House contains displays of pre-industrial artifacts, and illustrates life before that age. The house is listed on the New York State and National Registers of Historic Places.
The Long Print Shop & Downs Carriage Shop – Built in 1840, the Society’s working print shop is located in this building. It is the only building not original to Southold Town – it was built in Riverhead.
The Gagen Blacksmith Shop – Built in 1842, the shop operated continuously for over 100 years before it closed. Now restored, the shop regularly hosts blacksmith demonstrations.
The Farm Equipment Shed – This structure houses part of the Society’s burgeoning farm equipment collection.
The Bay View School – Built in 1822, the school was used for over 100 years before it was closed in 1925. Lovingly restored by the Society, it now once again receives students who participate in the Society’s educational programs.
The Pine Neck Barn – Dating to the 1700’s, the Barn was, like many of the buildings located at the Maple Lane site, moved to the Society’s property in the 1960’s. The magnificent hand-hewn beams are the backdrop for the Society’s collection of sleighs, carriages, and other transportation related collections. The barn underwent extensive renovations and restoration in 2007.
The Joseph N. Hallock/Ann Currie-Bell House – Constructed in 1900 for Joseph N. Hallock, the house is a beautiful example of late Victorian architecture. The house contains much of the work of artist Thomas Currie-Bell (1873-1946), the husband of our founder. The house is listed on the New York State and National Registers of Historic Places.
The Bay View Icehouse – Constructed out of brick in 1875, it was originally located on the farm of Edward Mills in Bayview. It’s unique, circular brick building with a conical roof, is unusual for the North Fork.
The Overton Corncrib – Also dating to about 1875, it is one of less than six circular brick corncribs known to exist on the North Fork. It was built originally on the farm of Silas Overton in Peconic.
The Buttery – Essentially built out of the remains of two outhouses, the building has on display all the necessary equipment for the making of butter, including butter-molds, churns, pitchers, crocks, and pails.
The Moore Outhouse – A typical farmers outhouse from the late 19th century, it is original to the Thomas Moore House site. Today it is restored as a working bathroom with modern plumbing.
May 29, 2013