Cultural Arts & Aquatic Centers
I am so pleased to announce that we have met, and exceeded, the matching challenge set at our annual Gala on August 4, 2018. That evening we announced that board member Sarah Iudicone and her husband Maurice would match all capital campaign contributions, up to a total of $250,000. As of August 31st, we reached our goal. We offer our sincere thanks to all who participated in this endeavor!
Over the past six weeks, the Foundation has received over $325,000 is new pledges and commitments. Together with the $250,000 matching funds, we have had a record-breaking summer, with over $575,000 raised toward construction on the Cultural Arts and Aquatic Centers in the historic Playhouse.
We have now raised more than 75% of the funds needed to complete construction. I am hopeful that our community will come together and raise the final $2 million. This is our time to say what Montauk should be now and in the future. Not since the Montauk Library has there been a civic initiative designed to enhance the lives of people of all ages.
We have incredible momentum from our successful summer, and I’m counting on all of you to keep it going. To learn more about the project, visit our website or contact us at (631) 668-1124.
— Perry B. “Chip” Duryea, III

AAQ Resource: McDonough & Conroy Architects