South Fork Agriculture
Sagaponack Farmland Donated to the Trust

Beverly Galban of Sutton Hoo Inc. recently donated 33.4 acres of farmland in Sagaponack to the Trust. The farmland known as Sutton Hoo is currently leased by Mecox Bay Dairy. Presently, 10 acres of hay along with cover crops are on the property. This upcoming season they plan to grow corn for their dairy cows.
In 1992, the Town of Southampton was granted an agricultural easement on the property as part of an approved subdivision. This requires the land to remain available for agricultural production and protects the property’s scenic and open space values. The parcel is further protected with a Deed of Conservation Easement with Affirmative Farming Covenant and Affordable Farming Covenant and Resale Restriction held by the Trust. This requires that land be farmed for food production only, sets a maximum sale price and restricts future sales of the property to a qualified buyer (i.e. a farmer). With these restrictions, Sutton Hoo will remain accessible and affordable for farmers into the future in one of the country’s most expensive areas.
Our sincere thanks to the Galban family for all they’ve donefor the farming community in Sagaponack over the years.
For more information about this project, contact Project Manager, Julie Wesnofske at JWesnofske@PeconicLandTrust. org.
from the February 22, 2022 edition of

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AAQ / Resource: Riverhead Buick | GMC