Scientists continue to sound the alarm:
we need more urgent climate action on a massive scale.
The latest report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows how dangerously close we are to seeing global temperature rises of more than 2 degrees Celsius this century, leading to catastrophic threats to our food, our water, and the health of our communities.
These are ominous predictions for our climate future. But they’re still just that: predictions.
What plays out in reality will depend on the actions we take now. The good news? The tools for reducing emissions, safeguarding communities, and investing in nature already exist. But unless we move faster, crossing that irreversible threshold becomes more and more likely.
That’s why I’m asking for your help to create the biggest public outcry for climate action possible, Jeff.
The climate emergency demands an emergency-level response.
Please show you’re with us in calling on global leaders to act. Speak out now. (link)
I know you’re someone who believes in the power of collective action. In the last year, supporters like you were instrumental in helping pass the Inflation Reduction Act, amplifying calls to secure an ambitious global biodiversity framework, and urging your elected officials to prioritize the planet over party.
If there’s ever been a time to build on that momentum, it’s now. We’re rallying support from like-minded organizations and people across the globe to show the collective strength of our voices at this critical moment.
This report is a reminder that we must keep doing everything possible to avoid the worst-case projections. Resignation is not an option. Because every fraction of a degree matters, and every positive individual action can make a difference.
The Nature Conservancy is committed to helping accelerate the global transition to renewable energy, securing food and water resources, and doing more to leverage nature’s ability to fight climate change. We must use every tool available to us, including the collective power of dedicated members like you who want to see more progress now.
If you believe that countries around the world must do more to tackle the climate emergency,
then I urge you to join the movement and add your name now.
Thanks for keeping up the fight for a brighter future.
Katharine Hayhoe
Chief Scientist
The Nature Conservancy