Donald Judd / Foundation: Politics & Society, “If You Don’t Act ….” / 11.6.24
Donald Judd wrote extensively about politics and society. Consistently arguing for the importance of engaged citizenship, he did not view his work as an artist as separate from political action. For Judd, to be a citizen meant action: “it’s my job to interfere, it’s my job to try to make it better, and the same goes for everyone else.”
Through his writing and civic engagement, he advocated for individuals to participate in political decision-making and for the strengthening of local government and townships. In 2020, Judd Foundation partnered with For Freedoms for a billboard featuring a statement by Judd. Installed off of I-70 in St. Louis, in Judd’s home state of Missouri, the billboard was on view through Election Day.
Text: Donald Judd, Interview with Regina Wyrwoll, For the television documentary Bauhaus, Texas, October 4–5, 1993. Donald Judd Interviews, 871.
By aaq|2024-11-06T22:35:53+00:00November 6th, 2024|Bulletins, Exhibits, New York City, Of Note|Comments Off on Donald Judd / Foundation: Politics & Society, “If You Don’t Act ….” / 11.6.24