
The barn studio in 1950. Photograph by Rudolph Burckhardt.

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Pollock in the studio with Alchemy, 1947. In his hands he holds his pet crow, Caw-Caw. Photograph by Herbert Matter.


Pollock at work on Number 1, 1949. Photograph by Martha Holmes.


Pollock and Krasner in the studio, 1950. Photograph by Rudolph Burckhardt.

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Pollock in the studio with black paintings, 1951. Photograph by Hans Namuth.


Detail of colors from Convergence, 1952. Photograph by Helen A. Harrison.


Pollock and Krasner in the studio with Sam Duboff, a neighbor, August, 1953. Portrait and a Dream is on the wall under the window. Photograph by Tony Vaccaro.


Krasner in the studio, 1969, at work on Portrait in Green. Photograph by Mark Patiky.

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Overview of the studio floor, 1998. Photograph by Jeff Heatley. For prints, Visit:

Jackson Pollock’s Studio Floor, 1947 – 1952 / Uncovered, 1987 … link



Baseball game boards used as flooring under painting storage racks in the studio anteroom. Photograph by Helen A. Harrison.


Pollock’s bare footprints on the studio floor. Photograph by Helen A. Harrison.

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The Jackson Pollock-Lee Krasner studio, March, 2012. Photograph by Jeff Heatley.


Visit: Portfolio/Peter Blake’s 1949 Pollock Museum Design: aaqeastend.com/contents/portfolio/issue-1-portfolio/pollock-museum/
Visit: Article/Harrison/The Pollock-Krasner Studio: //aaqeastend.com/contents/articles/pollock-the-pollock-krasner-studio/
Visit: Retrospective/Harrison/Peter Blake’s 1949 Pollock Museum Design: aaqeastend.com/contents/retrospective/issue-1-retrospective/blakes-1949-pollock-museum-design/
Visit: Landmarks: Pollock-Krasner House & Study Center: aaqeastend.com/contents/pollock-krasner-house-study-center-springs-new-4-30-13/
Visit: Pollock-Krasner House & Study Center Website: www.stonybrook.edu/pkhouse